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NTB BPBD Launches SIAGA Application

NTB Governor’s Expert Staff for Social and Community Affairs, Izzuddin Mahili, highlighted the critical role of real-time information in decision-making. He noted that the openness of disaster management information through the SIAGA NTB application reflects transparency and inclusivity in NTB Province. "This application is not only beneficial for the people of NTB but also for anyone active in the region. Hopefully, it will improve access to disaster information in our area," he said.
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DRR Month as a Reminder of the Importance of DRR Integration in Key Sectors

The main event of this year’s DRR Month was opened by the Head of BNPB, Letjen TNI Suharyanto, on 13 October and was attended by the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Cultural Affairs, Muhajir Effendy, Official for the Governor of Southeast Sulawesi, Andap Budhi Revianto, and governors, district heads and mayors , provincial and district Subnational Disaster Management Agencies (BPBDs), non-governmental organisations, universities, and disaster management volunteers.
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26. ENG Draft1 Resume Sosialisasi SPM SUB Bogor 22 24Jun22

Sosialisasi Penerapan dan Pemantauan Pelaksanaan Standar Pelayanan Minimal Sub-Urusan Bencana, Bogor

Standar Pelayanan Minimal (SPM) adalah ketentuan mengenai jenis dan mutu pelayanan dasar yang merupakan urusan pemerintah wajib yang berhak diperoleh setiap warga negara secara minimal. Penerima pelayanan dasar SPM Sub-Urusan Bencana adalah warga negara yang berada di kawasan rawan bencana dan yang menjadi korban bencana untuk jenis pelayanan dasar. Pelayanan informasi rawan bencana, pelayanan pencegahan dan kesiapsiagaan terhadap bencana, dan pelayanan penyelamatan dan evakuasi korban bencana.  
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