Ketua ULD BPBD NTB, Ilham Ardiansyah menyatakan terdapat beberapa program utama yang akan dijalankan oleh ULD pada tahun 2025 diantaranya terkait dengan Pendataaan Penerima Layanan, Penguatan Kelembagaan, Peningkatan Kapasitas Pengurus dan Kampanye/Diseminasi Penanggulangan Bencana Inklusif kepada masyarakat.
Read MorePeluncuran Unit Layanan Disabilitas Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah Provinsi NTB
According to Hidayaturrohman, in the effort to form ULD, it is not only the fulfilment of the target that is important. The series of ULD formation processes involving opdis provide many lessons that will be very useful for other programs. "For us at BPBD, the process of forming ULD has brought extraordinary changes. We not only have an understanding of disabilities but also how to position them from being just objects of aid recipients to being part of policymakers. Previously, let alone involving them in planning, we didn't even have data on disability," he said.
Read MoreMeaningful Involvement of Persons with Disabilities to Promote Resilience
In her address, Catherine Meehan highlighted that knowledge exchange is vital for innovation and shared learning in disaster risk reduction (DRR). "This is a key focus of the Australian Government’s collaboration with Indonesia in disaster management programs. This meeting aims to strengthen networks and support the development of inclusive, resilient communities
Read MoreDisaster Policy Formulation Requires Knowledge Alignment
The NTB Provincial BPBD ULD has outlined several priority activities for 2025. These include harmonising and synchronising data collection on people with disabilities, particularly in disaster-prone areas, strengthening ULD institutions, enhancing the capacity of ULD administrators and disaster management actors, and conducting campaigns on inclusive disaster management.
Read MoreLaunch of ULD BPBD for Inclusive Disaster Management
Ahmad Yani menuturkan unit layanan tersebut juga mencakup aksesibilitas para difabel melalui fasilitas umum yang ramah disabilitas. Ia mencontohkan salah satu hotel di NTB yang telah menyiapkan jalur evakuasi, layanan informasi, dan komunikasi yang dapat diakses oleh penyandang disabilitas.
Read MorePemprov NTB Luncurkan Layanan Disabilitas Kebencanaan
Majalah Tangguh edisi ke-12 tahun 2024 menyoroti inovasi dan kolaborasi strategis yang dilakukan BPBD Provinsi Jawa Timur, khususnya melalui pembentukan Unit Layanan Disabilitas Penanggulangan Bencana (ULD-PB). Inisiatif ini merupakan langkah penting dalam memastikan inklusivitas dalam penanggulangan bencana, dengan fokus pada pemberdayaan penyandang disabilitas
Read MoreMajalah Tangguh Edisi #12: No One Left Behind, Jatim Launching Layanan Disabilitas PB
As a housewife dealing with the workload that comes with supporting children and a husband, Yeni said this training has given her important knowledge, providing her with a new insight into drought, which can severely disrupt family life – especially economically. ‘I learnt that we can reduce the impact of drought by exploring existing potential in the village. We learnt about threats, vulnerabilities, and capacity’, said Yeni.
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Efforts to manage this volunteer energy and role allocation are currently carried out in conjunction with the establishment of Disaster Resilient Villages (Destana) for administrative Villages and Disaster Resilient customary villages for customary villages. FPRB Bali, in collaboration with the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) at the provincial and district levels, is trying to promote this with the support of the SIAP SIAGA Program.
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