Laporan Pendahuluan: Penyusunan Dokumen Penilaian dan Peta Risiko Bencana di Kawasan Pariwisata Labuan Bajo Tahun 2023
Read more>>: Laporan Pendahuluan: Penyusunan Dokumen Penilaian dan Peta Risiko Bencana di Kawasan Pariwisata Labuan Bajo Tahun 2023This report provides a comprehensive disaster risk assessment for the tourist area of Labuan Bajo, focusing on identifying potential hazards, vulnerabilities, and capacities within the region. It aims to develop…
Reflection Report No.3: SIAP SIAGA Partner Reflections on 2021 Program Results
Read more>>: Reflection Report No.3: SIAP SIAGA Partner Reflections on 2021 Program ResultsThe third SIAP SIAGA Partner Reflection Workshop was held virtually on 9 December 2021, with the aim to provide the bottlenecks map, with a presentation of key results which have…
Interim Report Pengembangan Sistem Monitoring Sistem SPDAB
Read more>>: Interim Report Pengembangan Sistem Monitoring Sistem SPDABThis book provides a comprehensive strategic framework for developing and implementing the Standard for the Development of Disaster-Safe Areas (SPDAB) monitoring system to enhance disaster resilience in Indonesia. It details…
Inception Report Pengembangan Sistem Monitoring Sistem SPDAB
Read more>>: Inception Report Pengembangan Sistem Monitoring Sistem SPDABThis book outlines a strategic framework for developing a monitoring system for the Standard for the Development of Disaster-Safe Areas (SPDAB). It highlights the project’s objectives to enhance disaster resilience…
Final Report: Study on Pentahelix Collaboration in Disaster Risk Management in Indonesia
Read more>>: Final Report: Study on Pentahelix Collaboration in Disaster Risk Management in IndonesiaThis report explores the Pentahelix collaboration model in disaster management across Indonesia, highlighting the roles of government, community, private sector, academia, and media. It emphasises the importance of collaborative governance…
Laporan Akhir Ekspedisi JawaDwipa
Read more>>: Laporan Akhir Ekspedisi JawaDwipaThis book provides a comprehensive account of the JawaDwipa Expedition, which explores the history of earthquakes and tsunamis in East Java through ancient manuscripts and collective memory. It documents the…
Hasil Akhir KRB KSPN Labuan Bajo
Read more>>: Hasil Akhir KRB KSPN Labuan BajoThis book presents a comprehensive disaster risk assessment for the National Tourism Strategic Area (KSPN) in Labuan Bajo. It aims to support disaster management planning and risk reduction efforts by…
Participatory Review Of Semeru Eruption Response
Read more>>: Participatory Review Of Semeru Eruption ResponseIn the early stages of the response, SIAP SIAGA, in collaboration with BPBD East Java Province, the Provincial DRR Forum and its local volunteers from LPBI NU, conducted an initial…
The SIAP SIAGA Program is the Australia-Indonesia Partnership on Disaster Risk Management which aims to strengthen disaster resilience in Indonesia and the Indo-Pacific Region
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