The SIAP SIAGA Program is the Australia-Indonesia Partnership on Disaster Risk Management that aims to improve Indonesia’s ability to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from rapid and slow onset disasters in Indonesia and strengthen cooperation between Australia and Indonesia on humanitarian action in the Indo-Pacific region. The SIAP SIAGA Program is aligned with the priorities of Indonesia’s Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2020-2024 and the Australian Government Humanitarian Strategy (2016).

The SIAP SIAGA Program works closely with the National Disaster Management Authority (BNPB), Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA), Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA), Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), provincial and district/city governments, as well as Indonesian civil society.

SIAP SIAGA’s Unique Approach

The complexity of disaster management in a large and decentralised country like Indonesia requires a measured but adaptive approach that takes into account and is able to rapidly respond to factors that are unique to Indonesia. SIAP SIAGA believes that disaster management challenges need to be viewed in their entirety through a systems-based approach, meaning addressing system-wide challenges rather than focusing on individual institutions.

Thus, SIAP SIAGA focuses on the effectiveness of the disaster risk management system as a whole, not just the effectiveness of its sub-systems. SIAP SIAGA uses a Problem-Driven Iterative Approach (PDIA) or ‘Adaptive Management’ to develop its programs and implement its activities. Using this approach, SIAP SIAGA works with partners at national and subnational levels to identify bottlenecks in disaster management systems at various government and community levels and design solutions to improve the effectiveness of disaster management services.


Strengthened government and community empowerment programs to increase resilience (Year 3-4)

Improved policy coherence and clarified roles and responsibilities (Year 2-3)

Problem identification and program design (Year 1)

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Improving clarity and coherence of disaster management planning and delivery

Supporting one-data initiative (Satu Data Bencana) to improve data-based decision making

Improving engagement of pentahelix stakeholders towards better coordination and collaboration

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Improving effectiveness of village resilience approaches

Ensuring coherent approaches to district and city resilience

Leveraging knowledge and learnings to be showcased at the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (GPDRR)

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Fostering collaboration with global and regional platforms

Partnering with Indonesia Aid

Strengthening engagement between Australia, Indonesia and governments in the region on knowledge exchange and learning

SIAP SIAGA supports the Indonesian government to build an inclusive disaster preparedness architecture which includes promoting policy coherence to support gender equality, increasing access for people with disability and encouraging social inclusion as part of an effective and inclusive disaster management system. SIAP SIAGA also works hand-in-hand with civil society organisations in promoting the active participation of women and vulnerable groups to build community resilience to disasters.

We would love to hear from you.
Feel free to reach out using the below details.

Treasury Tower 59th Floor, District 8 SCBD Lot 28, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 52 – 53
Jakarta Selatan, 12190, Indonesia
Phone: +6221 7206616