Read more>>: Building Resilience in Small Island
The disaster resilience study tool on small islands was developed by FPRB NTB and representatives of BPBD NTB as coordinators, together with the Consortium for Participatory Studies and Development (KONSEPSI)…
Read more>>: Maintaining Tourists’ Sense of Security with SKB
IB Cendra, General Manager of Sanur Resort Watujimbar Hotel, acknowledged the importance of SKB for risk management in the tourism sector. His hotel, accommodating 500–600 guests daily, prioritises disaster preparedness…
Read more>>: Spurring Resilience Through Innovation in Village Competitions
Previously, funds were mainly used for emergency purchases, such as clean water during droughts. “With PKD, villages understand the importance of allocating budgets for pre-disaster and recovery efforts, such as…
Read more>>: Managing the Role of Customary Villages for Bali’s Resilience
With the strengthening of the resilience of customary villages, customary village residents will be better prepared in the future. Especially when aspects of disaster management are also included as part…

The SIAP SIAGA Program is the Australia-Indonesia Partnership on Disaster Risk Management which aims to strengthen disaster resilience in Indonesia and the Indo-Pacific Region
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