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Disaster Policy Formulation Requires Knowledge Alignment

In her address, Catherine Meehan highlighted that knowledge exchange is vital for innovation and shared learning in disaster risk reduction (DRR). "This is a key focus of the Australian Government’s collaboration with Indonesia in disaster management programs. This meeting aims to strengthen networks and support the development of inclusive, resilient communities
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Sejumlah anak mengikuti sesi Sekolah Sungai tentang kelas pengenalan fungsi dan manfaat Sungai Jeneberang. 1

Documenting Lessons for Local Disaster Resilience

BNPB believes that these local actors have an important role in improving local resilience and disaster risk management. ‘They live there, and of course, they are well known by the people there, so they have the ability to mobilise the local community. Their words are more likely to be heard. Outsiders may not be able to do this. Local context is very important in building local resilience and managing disaster risk’, said Mr Papang.
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Coastal Communities Share Inspirations in Commemoration of Disaster Preparedness Day 2024

The stories recounted in the book are well-aligned with the HKB 2024 commemoration’s focus on coastal community resilience. The book imparts valuable insights for policymakers, specifically with regard to planning coastal area management and conservation programs.
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Local Community Resilience Documentation for Sustainable Resilience

The Director of Preparedness of BNPB, Pangarso Suryotomo, said that learning from local initiatives in a number of coastal/coastal areas will serve as an important input for the development of disaster management policies. Therefore, it is necessary to document and disseminate stories of the resilience of local communities.
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Update of the Head of BNPB Regulation No. 14/2014 Encourages the Fulfillment of the Rights of the Rights of People with Disabilities in Disaster Management

Meaningful involvement of people with disabilities at all stages will ensure more accurate need identification because even people with the same physical disabilities do not necessarily have the same needs.
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BNPB Declares Commitment to Gender Mainstreamingin Disaster Management

After the signing of the commitment document, BNPB Planning Bureau Head Andi Eviana said that with the commitment to gender mainstreaming, future disaster management efforts, both implemented by BPNB and the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), are expected to pay more attention to gender aspects. This is very important considering the specific vulnerabilities of women and children in disasters, including vulnerability to gender-based violence.
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