The Garda SIAGA Policy Bootcamp 2024 integrated disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation into policy frameworks through a cross-sectoral collaborative approach. This workshop engaged 26 participants from national and regional institutions.
Read MoreLaporan Kegiatan Garda SIAGA Policy Bootcamp
The four-day bootcamp was designed to foster collaboration across sectors and improve policy integration for disaster resilience. It featured three main activities: Expert Discussions, Peer Learning Sessions, and Action Planning.
Read MoreStrengthening Disaster Resilience Through the Garda SIAGA Policy Bootcamp
Ketua ULD BPBD NTB, Ilham Ardiansyah menyatakan terdapat beberapa program utama yang akan dijalankan oleh ULD pada tahun 2025 diantaranya terkait dengan Pendataaan Penerima Layanan, Penguatan Kelembagaan, Peningkatan Kapasitas Pengurus dan Kampanye/Diseminasi Penanggulangan Bencana Inklusif kepada masyarakat.
Read MorePeluncuran Unit Layanan Disabilitas Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah Provinsi NTB
The disaster resilience study tool on small islands was developed by FPRB NTB and representatives of BPBD NTB as coordinators, together with the Consortium for Participatory Studies and Development (KONSEPSI) supported by the SIAP SIAGA Program. This study tool adapts three models at once, namely the Disaster Resilient Village (Destana) indicator, island and coastal area resilience, and sustainable livelihood.
Read MoreBuilding Resilience in Small Island
According to Hidayaturrohman, in the effort to form ULD, it is not only the fulfilment of the target that is important. The series of ULD formation processes involving opdis provide many lessons that will be very useful for other programs. "For us at BPBD, the process of forming ULD has brought extraordinary changes. We not only have an understanding of disabilities but also how to position them from being just objects of aid recipients to being part of policymakers. Previously, let alone involving them in planning, we didn't even have data on disability," he said.
Read MoreMeaningful Involvement of Persons with Disabilities to Promote Resilience
NTB Governor’s Expert Staff for Social and Community Affairs, Izzuddin Mahili, highlighted the critical role of real-time information in decision-making. He noted that the openness of disaster management information through the SIAGA NTB application reflects transparency and inclusivity in NTB Province. "This application is not only beneficial for the people of NTB but also for anyone active in the region. Hopefully, it will improve access to disaster information in our area," he said.
Read MoreNTB BPBD Launches SIAGA Application
In her address, Catherine Meehan highlighted that knowledge exchange is vital for innovation and shared learning in disaster risk reduction (DRR). "This is a key focus of the Australian Government’s collaboration with Indonesia in disaster management programs. This meeting aims to strengthen networks and support the development of inclusive, resilient communities
Read MoreDisaster Policy Formulation Requires Knowledge Alignment
The NTB Provincial BPBD ULD has outlined several priority activities for 2025. These include harmonising and synchronising data collection on people with disabilities, particularly in disaster-prone areas, strengthening ULD institutions, enhancing the capacity of ULD administrators and disaster management actors, and conducting campaigns on inclusive disaster management.
Read MoreLaunch of ULD BPBD for Inclusive Disaster Management