Alterasi ID

Partnership period: 2020-2022

Atmawidya Alterasi Indonesia (Alterasi) was founded on March 16 2020, as a legal entity in the form of an association based on the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia No. AHU-0003691.AH.01.07.Year 2020. Alterasi Indonesia was founded out of concern over efforts to realise the reform goals that happened in 1998 in contemporary Indonesian society today. Alteration encourages the dawn of a sovereign society and democratic government through education, knowledge development and policy reform.

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Feel free to reach out using the below details.

Treasury Tower 59th Floor, District 8 SCBD Lot 28, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 52 – 53
Jakarta Selatan, 12190, Indonesia
Phone: +6221 7206616