IB Cendra, General Manager of Sanur Resort Watujimbar Hotel, acknowledged the importance of SKB for risk management in the tourism sector. His hotel, accommodating 500–600 guests daily, prioritises disaster preparedness to ensure guest safety. “Foreign guests often ask about a hotel’s emergency readiness before booking. Certification builds trust and boosts business opportunities,” he said
Read MoreMaintaining Tourists’ Sense of Security with SKBPreviously, funds were mainly used for emergency purchases, such as clean water during droughts. “With PKD, villages understand the importance of allocating budgets for pre-disaster and recovery efforts, such as constructing preparedness posts and organising disaster training,” he explained.
Read MoreSpurring Resilience Through Innovation in Village CompetitionsThis book, "The Coastal Community Speaks: Inspirational Stories of Coastal Community Resilience," captures the profound strength and wisdom of Indonesian coastal communities facing natural disasters and climate change. Through a collection of personal stories, it highlights how these communities have developed unique resilience practices, from mangrove conservation to local disaster preparedness, which protect both lives and livelihood.
Read MoreThe Coastal Community SpeaksGultik, in collaboration with the SIAP SIAGA Program, once again presents a relaxed but serious discussion about disaster risk management in the Potret SIAGA Podcast. Episode 2 is titled "Sustainable Resilience: Resilient in Facing Disasters, Resilient in Anticipating Climate Change".
Read MoreSustainable Resilience: Resilient in Facing Disasters, Resilient in Anticipating Climate ChangeGultik, in collaboration with Potret Siaga, presents the SIAP SIAGA 2024 Podcast "Building Resilience through Minimum Service Standards for Disaster Sub-Affairs." Watch Om Why's interview with experts only on Katadata Indonesia's YouTube.
Read MorePrepare for Disasters, Government Encourages Resilience of Disaster Risk Management Through MSS-DMEntering its fifth year, the SIAP SIAGA Program conducted a Joint Monitoring Mission (JMM) in East Java from 3-5 September 2024. This activity aimed to evaluate performance and discuss achievements and lessons learned with relevant stakeholders
Read MoreJoint Monitoring Mission 2024Ratusan warga di sejumlah desa di Kecamatan Winongan ikuti simulasi "Siap Siaga", kerjasama antara pemerintah Indonesia dan Australia dalam menangani bencana alam yang terjadi. Simulasi yang dilakukan ini dalam rangka Misi Pemantauan Bersama atau Joint Monitoring Mission (JMM) 2024 oleh Program Siap Siaga di Jawa Timur.
Read MoreRatusan Warga Pasuruan Ikuti Simulasi Bencana Program SIAP SIAGA tahun 2024 dilakukan di 4 propinsi di Indonesia. Propinsi Jawa Timur sendiri menetapkan Kabupaten Pasuruan sebagai tempat kegiatan, ada dua tempat lokasi untuk pelaksanaan nya hari ini , yakni Desa Bakalan, Kecamatan Purwosari dan di lapangan Desa Bandaran, Kecamatan Winongan, tempat awak media meliput. Rabu,(4/9).
Read MoreJMM SIAP SIAGA 2024, Kabupaten Pasuruan Menjadi Tuan Rumah,Siapkan KENCANA