The disaster resilience study tool on small islands was developed by FPRB NTB and representatives of BPBD NTB as coordinators, together with the Consortium for Participatory Studies and Development (KONSEPSI) supported by the SIAP SIAGA Program. This study tool adapts three models at once, namely the Disaster Resilient Village (Destana) indicator, island and coastal area resilience, and sustainable livelihood.
Read MoreBuilding Resilience in Small IslandAccording to Hidayaturrohman, in the effort to form ULD, it is not only the fulfilment of the target that is important. The series of ULD formation processes involving opdis provide many lessons that will be very useful for other programs. "For us at BPBD, the process of forming ULD has brought extraordinary changes. We not only have an understanding of disabilities but also how to position them from being just objects of aid recipients to being part of policymakers. Previously, let alone involving them in planning, we didn't even have data on disability," he said.
Read MoreMeaningful Involvement of Persons with Disabilities to Promote ResilienceIB Cendra, General Manager of Sanur Resort Watujimbar Hotel, acknowledged the importance of SKB for risk management in the tourism sector. His hotel, accommodating 500–600 guests daily, prioritises disaster preparedness to ensure guest safety. “Foreign guests often ask about a hotel’s emergency readiness before booking. Certification builds trust and boosts business opportunities,” he said
Read MoreMaintaining Tourists’ Sense of Security with SKBPreviously, funds were mainly used for emergency purchases, such as clean water during droughts. “With PKD, villages understand the importance of allocating budgets for pre-disaster and recovery efforts, such as constructing preparedness posts and organising disaster training,” he explained.
Read MoreSpurring Resilience Through Innovation in Village CompetitionsAfter the establishment of ULD-PB, Opdis’ role in disaster management has increased significantly. ‘ULD-PB can be seen as an instrument that will promote a change in the disaster management paradigm for people with disabilities. Previously, they were only seen as victims, if they were seen at all. Now, they can be actors in disaster-related affairs. Through ULD-PB, people with disabilities are expected to be able to reduce their own risk and even the risk of others.
Read MoreTransforming the Role of People with Disabilities in East JavaConsidering this situation, the SIAP SIAGA Program together with the BPBD of NTB Province and the NTB Disaster Risk Reduction Forum, designed a study tool that adapted 3 models at once, referencing indicators of disaster resilient villages (Destana), the resilience of small islands and coastal areas, and sustainable livelihoods. The integration of these 3 models is the first of its kind in Indonesia.
Read MoreInnovations in Disaster Resilience Studies in Coastal Areas and Small Islands of Gili TramenaWith the strengthening of the resilience of customary villages, customary village residents will be better prepared in the future. Especially when aspects of disaster management are also included as part of the awig-awig and pararem, customary villages will have clearer guidelines. Customary village residents will also comply with these rules better.
Read MoreManaging the Role of Customary Villages for Bali’s ResilienceThe next task is to ensure that all stakeholders in disaster management, including government, communities, businesses, universities, and the media, understand what GEDSI is and why it is so important. “The important thing is to build a mindset first. Previously, people knew Gender but did not understand disability and inclusion,”.
Read MorePromoting Persons with Disabilities as Agents of Change in Disaster Management