Cerdas Antisipasi Risiko Bencana (CARI!)* is a research & information technology-based start-up & social venture working to enhance knowledge management for disaster risk reduction and resilient development.
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Sustainable Coffee Platform of Indonesia (SCOPI) is a nonprofit organisation that is a form of association of stakeholders in the coffee supply chain who have concerns about the development and sustainability of Indonesian coffee.
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Saraswati is an Indonesian company that promotes development innovation. For us, innovation represents new or improved products, processes and collaborations that positively impact development assistance and – most importantly – the lives of those most in need.
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Kopernik is a social enterprise that connects simple technology with last mile communities to reduce poverty. We balance a philanthropic and business approach to distributing technology.
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Founded in 2010, the Behavioural Insights Team has grown from a seven-person unit at the heart of the UK government to a global social purpose company of over 200 professionals across many offices around the world, including the Singapore office.
Ademos believes that villages are the key to the nation's progress. Ademos wants to advance the nation by solving the most crucial social problems in villages, namely the low quality of democracy, high poverty, and social inequality, through a collaborative process to create social innovation among strategic stakeholders
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