Kajian Ketangguhan Bencana Gili Tramena

The book “Disaster Resilience Assessment for Gili Tramena” serves as a guide to enhancing the resilience of communities across three small islands: Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno, and Gili Air, collectively known as Gili Indah Village in North Lombok Regency. These islands heavily depend on tourism, which makes them vulnerable to disaster impacts such as fires, coastal flooding, and earthquakes. The assessment emphasizes the importance of preparedness infrastructure, such as evacuation routes and shelters, as well as community capacity-building through disaster training and simulations. The book also highlights the critical role of coordination between local and national institutions and supports community-based mitigation strategies. The support from the SIAP SIAGA Program and collaboration with multiple stakeholders are expected to strengthen the resilience of the Gili Tramena area against existing disaster threats.

(This document is only available in Indonesian)

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