Implementation of the Disaster Resilient Village Program (Destana) to Strengthen Local Resilience

Gultik, in collaboration with the SIAP SIAGA Program, once again presents a casual but serious discussion entitled “Implementation of the Disaster Resilient Village Program (Destana) to Strengthen Local Resilience”. Watch Om Why’s interview with experts on YouTube only on Katadata Indonesia.

Law Number 24 of 2007 concerning Disaster Management mandates protecting communities from the threat of disasters. One strategy to realise this is through the development of the Disaster Resilient Village Program, which has been running since 2012.

Resilient villages recognise threats in their area, organise community resources to reduce vulnerability and increase capacity to reduce disaster risk.

BNPB and BPBD manage the implementation of the Destana program, which can be carried out by various parties. Activities in this program include strengthening the capacity for planning, budgeting, bureaucracy, and community involvement in disaster risk management.

Facilitating collaborative mitigation between Destana across regions can help build more sensitive preparedness for disaster threats. Empowering customary communities with social capital and the active role of community empowerment consortiums is also essential to building local resilience to disasters.

How is the Destana Program implemented, and how is collaboration between the government, Indigenous peoples, and communities like in creating this local Destana resilience?

Gultik, in collaboration with the SIAP SIAGA Program, once again presents a casual but serious discussion entitled “Implementation of the Disaster Resilient Village Program (Destana) to Strengthen Local Resilience”.

Watch Om Why’s interview with experts on YouTube only on Katadata Indonesia.

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