SIAP SIAGA Real Time Learning Brief No. 3

Ketangguhan Bencana Berbasis Kesejahteraan: Pendekatan Rumah Tangga Berkelanjutan dan Ketangguhan Ekonomi Desa

COVID-19 has impacted the majority of households in Indonesia, with vulnerable and marginalised groups experiencing the most severe economic impacts. As part of the Pulih Bersama program, SIAP SIAGA partners have the dual aim of supporting the economic recovery of the poorest communities (in this case Pekka and especially people with disabilities) and other marginalised groups, while testing more sustainable approaches to household income and growth. Two SIAP SIAGA partners presented the lessons they have learned by implementing strategies to support target groups with business development and registration to support economic recovery and ensure these livelihoods are more resilient to future financial shocks.

(This document is only available in Indonesia).

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