Tag: Publ. Jawa Timur

Screenshot 2024 08 28 233151

Pengarusutamaan GEDSI Dalam Pemenuhan Indikator Destana

The document "Pengarusutamaan GEDSI dalam Pemenuhan Indikator Destana" focuses on the integration of Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) principles within the Disaster-Resilient Village (Destana) program. This initiative, implemented through a partnership between SIAP SIAGA and LPBI NU, aims to ensure that disaster risk reduction efforts at the village level are inclusive and consider the needs of all community members, particularly vulnerable groups.
Baca SelengkapnyaPengarusutamaan GEDSI Dalam Pemenuhan Indikator Destana
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Panduan Teknis SATA PB Jawa Timur

The "Panduan Teknis SATA PB" provides a comprehensive guide to using the SATA PB platform for disaster management in East Java. It details how to operate and manage data using the CKAN platform, which is central to the system. The guide explains how to set up, manage, and publish datasets, providing users with the tools needed to handle data effectively.
Baca SelengkapnyaPanduan Teknis SATA PB Jawa Timur
Screenshot 2024 08 28 231538

Rencana Penanggulangan Kedaruratan Bencana Provinsi Jawa Timur 2023-2028

The "Rencana Penanggulangan Kedaruratan Bencana Provinsi Jawa Timur 2023-2028" (Emergency Disaster Response Plan for East Java Province 2023-2028) is a strategic document outlining the framework for disaster emergency management in East Java. It provides a comprehensive plan to address the region's vulnerability to various natural and human-induced hazards, including earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, and extreme weather events.
Baca SelengkapnyaRencana Penanggulangan Kedaruratan Bencana Provinsi Jawa Timur 2023-2028
Screenshot 2024 09 12 171710

Panduan Teknis E-JITUPASNA Rehabilitasi & Rekonstruksi

This book is a comprehensive technical guide designed to facilitate data collection and analysis using the ODK (Open Data Kit) platform, specifically tailored for disaster management. It explains how to install, configure, and use ODK Collect, an Android application for conducting surveys, and ODK Central, a server platform that manages user accounts, stores survey data, and supports online data collection.
Baca SelengkapnyaPanduan Teknis E-JITUPASNA Rehabilitasi & Rekonstruksi
Screenshot 2024 09 12 205312

Penerapan Release SATA PB Jawa Timur [Beta Version]

"Berdamai dengan Bencana: Pembelajaran Strategi Pengurangan Risiko Bencana di NTB" explores disaster risk reduction strategies implemented in Nusa Tenggara Barat, particularly after the 2018 Lombok earthquake. It provides insights into community resilience, effective collaboration, and innovative disaster management approaches.
Baca SelengkapnyaPenerapan Release SATA PB Jawa Timur [Beta Version]
Screenshot 2024 09 12 204359

Penerapan Prototype SATA PB Jawa Timur [Alpha Version]

This document outlines the early-stage development of a disaster data management system for East Java. It details the installation process of CKAN, an open-source platform, including system requirements such as hardware, software, and database configurations. The guide walks through the steps for setting up servers, installing PostgreSQL, Solr, and SSL, as well as testing the system using black-box testing.
Baca SelengkapnyaPenerapan Prototype SATA PB Jawa Timur [Alpha Version]
Screenshot 2024 09 12 163520

Dokumen Pengembangan Aplikasi SATA PB Jawa Timur

The "Dokumen Pengembangan Aplikasi SATA PB Jatim" outlines the development of a data management platform for disaster information in East Java. The platform, SATA PB Jatim, was initiated based on insights gathered from a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) held in May 2021. The document describes the challenges faced in using existing systems such as SID, SIKAB, and Banyuwangi Satu Data and the ultimate decision to use the Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network (CKAN) as the foundation for the new platform.
Baca SelengkapnyaDokumen Pengembangan Aplikasi SATA PB Jawa Timur
Screenshot 2024 09 12 191505

Pedoman Operasional Sistem Manajemen Relawan Penanggulangan Bencana Bagi Pengguna

This guideline is a straightforward manual designed for users of the disaster management volunteer system. It outlines the essential steps for users to log in, manage their profiles, and update their skills. The guide also covers how users can add new volunteers, update data, and generate volunteer reports.
Baca SelengkapnyaPedoman Operasional Sistem Manajemen Relawan Penanggulangan Bencana Bagi Pengguna