The stories recounted in the book are well-aligned with the HKB 2024 commemoration’s focus on coastal community resilience. The book imparts valuable insights for policymakers, specifically with regard to planning coastal area management and conservation programs.
Read MoreCoastal Communities Share Inspirations in Commemoration of Disaster Preparedness Day 2024
The CRT, whose design commenced in 2022, is a set of procedures packaged in a QGIS-software-based system that will be easily accessible through an app. The CRT has been created to promote sustainable resilience down to the village level.
Read MoreBNPB Develops Coastal Resilience Toolkit to Promote Coastal Resilience
Pada Jumat, 26 April yang lalu, Program SIAGA mendukung pelaksanaan Sarasehan HKB 2024 yang diselenggarakan oleh Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana di Kota Padang.
Merupakan serangkaian acara peringatan HKB 2024, acara ini mengulas praktik ketangguhan lokal masyarakat pantai di Indonesia, khususnya di Provinsi Sumatera Barat, Jawa Timur, Sulawesi Utara, dan Maluku. Diseminasi dari cerita kearifan lokal ini tidak hanya sebagai inspirasi bagi pegiat ketangguhan pesisir lainnya namun juga sebagai bekal masukan kebijakan untuk upaya ketangguhan yang berbasis pengetahuan.
Kearifan lokal sebagai sumber informasi atas adaptasi dampak bencana mampu melengkapi inovasi pemerintah yang mengutilisasi data pada upaya pengurangan risiko bencana seperti Perangkat Resiliensi Pesisir. Sehingga mendorong manajemen risiko bencana yang kolaboratif dan menyeluruh.
Read MoreDisaster Preparedness Day 2024
The Director of Preparedness of BNPB, Pangarso Suryotomo, said that learning from local initiatives in a number of coastal/coastal areas will serve as an important input for the development of disaster management policies. Therefore, it is necessary to document and disseminate stories of the resilience of local communities.
Read MoreLocal Community Resilience Documentation for Sustainable Resilience
Inspiration and learning from the efforts of various river communities were the core focus of the River Basin Community Workshop. This event was held as part of the peak activities for National Disaster Preparedness Day (HKB) at Pendapa, Karangbinangun District, Lamongan Regency, East Java, on Tuesday (16/5).
Read MoreRiver Community Initiative Strengthens Government Commitment to Local Resilience 
Multi-stakeholder cooperation between the Indonesian Government, governments of other countries, local and international non-government organisations (NGOs), academics, the private sector and the community is necessary to build resilience in facing disasters.
Read MoreBuilding Resilience Requires Multistakeholder Cooperation 
Rangkaian kegiatan ini diawali dengan Sarasehan Komunitas Sungai, pemberian bantuan sosial kepada anak yatim, simulasi bencana serentak di 7 kabupaten, penanaman pohon serta pesta rakyat bertajuk Gelar Budaya Kesenian Ludruk Sandikala.
Kepala BNPB Letjen TNI Suharyato, S.Sos., M.M mengatakan bahwa peringatan Hari Kesiapsiagaan Bencana (HKB) melalui giat simulasi adalah upaya seumur hidup yang harus dilakukan oleh seluruh elemen masyarakat.
Suharyanto turut menekankan bencana adalah peristiwa yang berulang sehingga pencegahan menjadi aspek penting, kesiapsiagaan seluruh komponen pentaheliks adalah unsur terdepan dalam aspek ini.
Read MoreDisaster Preparedness Day 2023
This year, BNPB aims to highlight that disaster preparedness needs to be built from the smallest units within the community, preparing the community to face threats, determining the size of the risks, and the impacts of disasters that might occur. This will be combined with further emphasis on increasing community awareness that disaster mitigation efforts are a shared responsibility.
Read MoreCelebrating the 2022 Disaster Preparedness Day in Klaten Central Java