Siap Siaga

SIAP SIAGA Supports BNPB in Developing Concept of a Sustainable Roadmap to Gender Mainstreaming

Indonesia has a comprehensive gender mainstreaming framework, particularly in the field of disaster management. The Presidential Instruction No. 9 of 2000 on Gender Mainstreaming in National Development mandates that all ministries/institutions, and local governments carry out gender mainstreaming in planning, preparation, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of national development policies and programs that are gender perspective. 

Meanwhile, the National Mid Term Development Plan 2020-2024 which was passed through Presidential Regulation No. 18 of 2020, Indonesia has clearly applied gender mainstreaming as an integrated aspect which is mainstreamed throughout the development sector, including within the framework of disaster management. 

In particular, the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) has established regulations on gender mainstreaming in disaster management through BNPB Head Regulation No. 13 of 2014 on Gender Mainstreaming in Disaster Management. This regulation provides guidelines for the implementation of Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting (PPRG) in the scope of disaster management, as well as gender mainstreaming at the pre-disaster, disaster emergency, and post-disaster phases. Meanwhile, BNPB Head Regulation No. 7 of 2012 on Indonesia’s Disaster Data and Information Management Guidelines and Technical Instructions for Data Collection and Disaster Information provide guidelines in the management of disaggregated data.  

In light of the above-mentioned regulations and policies, SIAP SIAGA supported BNPB to develop concept of a sustainable “Roadmap for Gender Mainstreaming in BNPB System 2021-2024”, aimed to ensure an effective implementation of gender mainstreaming in Disaster Management. The roadmap also received inputs from various related institutions. The Roadmap for Gender Mainstreaming in BNPB is designed with regard to gender-based development priorities and an integral part of the implementation of the gender mainstreaming program, as it will be used as a directive guideline for all elements of BNPB organization.    

The roadmap was created in response to the readiness evaluation of the Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection in 2020 based on 7 (seven) gender mainstreaming prerequisites through the Parhita Ekapraya Award Application (APE), which is an indication of assessment, namely: 1) commitment, 2) policy, 3) institutionalization, 3) human resources and budget, 5) data, information systems, and KIE, 6) guidelines and methods, and 7) community participation.  

Moreover, the roadmap also responds to the key components of gender mainstreaming based on National Disaster Management Plan (RENAS PB), namely 1) political will, 2) the structure and mechanisms of institutions that integrates gender perspectives, adequate resources, gender-disaggregated information and data systems, analytical tools for planning, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation, and public encouragement to the government to discuss the participation of civil society.  

This roadmap will be a key instrument to ensure the expected results can be sustainably implemented in the BNPB system, and ensuring that the implementation of disaster management in Indonesia is carried out by ensuring the human rights of women’s groups and in the principles of justice. Additionally, the roadmap also contains a series of key issues, objectives, timeline and budgeting, which are closely related to effective gender mainstreaming. 

Buku Roadmap Pengarusutamaan Gender (PUG) BNPB