Siap Siaga

Regional Symposium on COVID-19 and Its Impact on Disaster Management and Resilience

Part 1

Part 2

These videos are a recording of the day-long proceedings of the Symposium, capturing all plenary and working group sessions. The rich discussions and debate in these sessions were the culmination of a six-month long process of delving into the impact that Covid-19 exerted on the capacity of governments, international, regional, non-governmental and private sector organisations to respond to disasters and crises and to uphold the resilience of people and communities while they did so. The agenda for the Symposium was developed through six webinars held in June 2021 and six thematic papers published in October 2021 providing critical examination of the roles of governance, partnerships and technology. The lessons gathered from this series of events and the Symposium itself were captured in the 2022 report “Because Resilience is Local” which can be downloaded here