Participatory Review Of Semeru Eruption Response

In the early stages of the response, SIAP SIAGA, in collaboration with BPBD East Java Province, the Provincial DRR Forum and its local volunteers from LPBI NU, conducted an initial assessment of needs and challenges in the district government-led response and implementation of early recovery. This assessment also included a gap analysis in emergency operations, early recovery, implementation of regulations and SOPs, and One Disaster Data. Based on this analysis, SIAP SIAGA together with the Provincial BPBD, District BPBDs and DRR Forum, identified possible support that SIAP SIAGA and other stakeholders could provide to local governments to respond more effectively in the recovery phase.

In line with its broader program SIAP SIAGA technical support focused on strengthening Data and Information Management, coordination and effective transition from response to early recovery and long-term rehabilitation-reconstruction. It also drew on recommendations resulting from lessons learned from the Cyclone Seroja response in NTT in early 2021.

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