Under the partnership, MDMC and LPBI NU tested new approaches to promote basic awareness and behavioural change in selected schools and communities. LPBI-NU implemented activities in 112 communities in 18 villages across eight districts in three provinces through risk communication content for behaviour change. MDMC worked with key stakeholders in the education sector to improve the effectiveness of disaster risk communication, trialling a safe-schools approach in 14 high schools/vocational schools, and testing SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) for incident handling and internal coordination processes.
On completion of these activities, SIAP SIAGA, conducted a participatory review to facilitate reflection on the approach and the results and effectiveness of the activities implemented and to identify learning and recommendations. As a result of the Participatory Review, it was agreed to jointly develop a toolkit to outline a general framework for behaviour change communications activities.
This toolkit is intended as a general guide for organisations interested in or planning behaviour change communication activities related to disaster risk reduction. It aims to offer an approach that promotes the principles of community-centred, local, and inclusive development.
(This document is only available in English).

The SIAP SIAGA Program is the Australia-Indonesia Partnership on Disaster Risk Management which aims to strengthen disaster resilience in Indonesia and the Indo-Pacific Region
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